Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Random Thoughts

Random Thoughts.

Are there such things? Perhaps, but just to be certain, you may wish to double-check and how can you know if they are random?

Yes, I understand most of the noise that is occurring in this day and age are prepackeged thoughts that come right from the MACHINE—you know, the one you can hear humming in the background if you imbibe in enough LSD to make a horse fly…the type of stuff that we’ve perceived in the corner of our eyes, but couldn’t quite be sure if it was there or not…the kinds of things “science” cannot register, because it is just out of the realm of registerability (unless you have a sophisticated quantum computer, which is what they are going to roll out soon to make certain that all of you who are not “in on it” will be completely freaking-out: this is why they wish to put you in a food, drug, chemical, electronic media stupor so that when they do “de-cloak” you’ll probably not really register what the hell it is that is happening.

LSD was far too unstable, random, and weird to be a consistent throughput—thou it did the job to jumpstart things from the other dimensions (think: the computer Giants like Gates and Apple’s turtleneck wearing mad genius); they were the conduits.

No more need for clunky violent bloody masked robed strange rituals to bring the others into this dimension; they got AI and quantum computers to do the job now and its a whole lot cleaner…

When you begin to see eyes manifesting atop your neighbour’s forehead, know that it’s on. When you begin to have night visitations from dark (and I am speaking of absence of light) beings at the foot of your bed and you are having trouble breathing not to mention screaming in a paralyzed terror—know that this is it.
So what do you do?

You might like the answer and you might not, but this is it:

Turn to Jesus Christ and cling to him. That is your only bet to survive this thing.
Ye have been warned.

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