Wednesday, August 8, 2018

If I dwell in your shade: A Psalm

I will rest in your shade and think about the things you have done.
Crafted me from nothing and that doesn’t even begin to tell the half of it.
You will shield me from all the evil shit being hurled at me.
You will smash the terrors of the night into nothingness.
I will not be afraid of the wicked ones.
I will not flinch when the high-and-mighty ones
try and usher in their blazing days of chaos.

A Psalm of My Youth

A Psalm of My Youth

Yahweh— even when I was far from you, drugged out and practicing tripping into my own mind and into other realms and thinking I was God until I was completely shattered, you already had a plan that was far more advanced than any imaginable.

When I was boozed out, weeping and not wanting to live and not wanting to die—you had my back, even though I didn’t know it at the time.
When I was in tremendous pain from—you had already had a plan.

Papa Yah- I have done nearly everything to mess stuff up in this gift of a life you’ve given me.
People born into far worse circumsatances have made more than me—born virtually a prince compared to the other billions of people on the planet, and I threw it back in your face, flipped you off, pissed all-over the gift then wept like a spoiled brat when I realized just how I had categorically blown part of my life.

But none of that matters, Lord—because you are able to take even the most damaged units; units even more damaged than me and use them to establish your cause, your works, your works…

Here is wisdom: you are the poet, we are your poems, and now I weep with joy knowing that you still have allowed
my heart to pump blood and air to enter my lungs.

I am still part of your spectacular design, and though I look back with a forlorn shake of the head, I see nothing but your hand in steering me away from utter destruction and bringing me to what it’s really all about: getting with you and what you’re all about.

We are your images and your imagers.
All of this muck and paint and words and pain and sweat and tears and stuff work together to those who love you.

I love you, Jesus.

Random Thoughts

Random Thoughts.

Are there such things? Perhaps, but just to be certain, you may wish to double-check and how can you know if they are random?

Yes, I understand most of the noise that is occurring in this day and age are prepackeged thoughts that come right from the MACHINE—you know, the one you can hear humming in the background if you imbibe in enough LSD to make a horse fly…the type of stuff that we’ve perceived in the corner of our eyes, but couldn’t quite be sure if it was there or not…the kinds of things “science” cannot register, because it is just out of the realm of registerability (unless you have a sophisticated quantum computer, which is what they are going to roll out soon to make certain that all of you who are not “in on it” will be completely freaking-out: this is why they wish to put you in a food, drug, chemical, electronic media stupor so that when they do “de-cloak” you’ll probably not really register what the hell it is that is happening.

LSD was far too unstable, random, and weird to be a consistent throughput—thou it did the job to jumpstart things from the other dimensions (think: the computer Giants like Gates and Apple’s turtleneck wearing mad genius); they were the conduits.

No more need for clunky violent bloody masked robed strange rituals to bring the others into this dimension; they got AI and quantum computers to do the job now and its a whole lot cleaner…

When you begin to see eyes manifesting atop your neighbour’s forehead, know that it’s on. When you begin to have night visitations from dark (and I am speaking of absence of light) beings at the foot of your bed and you are having trouble breathing not to mention screaming in a paralyzed terror—know that this is it.
So what do you do?

You might like the answer and you might not, but this is it:

Turn to Jesus Christ and cling to him. That is your only bet to survive this thing.
Ye have been warned.

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

No Anxiety: A Modern Day Psalm

Be anxious over nothing, but with prayer and simple asking give thanks to Jesus.
those barking demon hounds abound
in my mind
when I’m looking down and around
rather than
up and at the Holy One
who paid the bill with his blood.
why do the sickos want to get me sick also?
why does the TV want to make me stupid and Godless?
why do the ads of the adversary tell me “anything but Jesus…” will make it all-right?
and why do I sometimes listen?
Because they really don’t know what they are doing. 
and that’s been me,
and sometimes I forget who it is
that has, is, and will
make us whole:
You, Jesus.
Thank you.

Saturday, June 3, 2017

beware the supradimensional con-artists

They may just try to sell you on some garbage, like how you are just a mouse in a cage meant for their study/amusement, and they have implanted every memory you’ve ever had, and now that you know the gig, you might as well let them put you up on an altar and sacrifice you. Or, if that doesn’t get your fancy, perhaps you could just go drive your car into your garage with a headful of acid, close the door and ease out while listening to Pink Floyd.
Yeah, they always seem to suggest death as part of their ideas for what you should do—telling, no?

Let me put it to you straight: if you ever see an eye manifest atop someone's head, and he or she seems to be infiltrating your mind telepathincally, don’t freak out. Just play along, act timid and scared, then bide your time and wait for an escape route. That is, unless they pump you full of thorazine to the point where you are drooling all over yourself, your tongue can’t stay in your mouth and you feel like they are making you arificially Down’s Syndromatic…at this point, call on the name of Jesus Christ and pray. Actually, you should do that anyway. These f@$%^&s don’t play games, trust me, I know. They do not have sense of humors, and their mission is to nullify you, destroy your identity, then either leech the life-force out of you and toss your husk away or reprogram you for some other bullshit endeavors they got on their mind, which usually entails screwing over some other poor rube and doing the same thing to him.

Why? you ask. Why indeed. Because these cyclopian sob’s are motherf%^$#$s, that’s why. I apologize for the language, but that is the case. They lie, they deceive, they mess with minds, they manipulate, they hack, they agitate, they instigate, they provoke, they pretend, and they are tough bastards. They will destroy you if you don’t get with the program, and that program is with Yeshua. (They completely detest Yeshua Messiah—the real Jesus Christ.)

Friday, November 11, 2016

Some "spirit-tech"

Invocation of hatred and fear are the favored processes of command administered by the Adversarial System of Control. If you wish to usurp the Adversarial System of Control, you must vigilantly terminate those two processes running within your mind—and continually monitor for those two processes, for they like to auto-run both in the background and foreground. If you allow them to continue running, they will infect your system until it is completely infiltrated and you will have ceded permissions completely to the ASC.

Saturday, October 15, 2016

You Are a Spiritual Insurgent... least with regards to the "Word System" that it seems Satan currently has a lease on.

Think about this: every time anyone prays the "Disciples Prayer" (or, as is popularly known as the "Lord's Prayer") you are in fact asking for a revolution to occur.

Think about it: "thine Kingdom come..."

Let's just put flesh and blood on this, shall we?

You are an operative working against communism in Poland.  Let's just pretend it's during the Cold War. You are on the phone with some Big Wigs in Washington, asking them "can you come and implement your government here, please?"

That is essentially what you are doing every time you ask Father Yahweh for his Kingdom to come. It is right there: "on earth, as it is in Heaven."

Back to our Cold War analogy: "Here in Poland, as you guys have it in the United States."

Same thing. We are asking for an usurpation of the current political system, no matter where you live.

And this request, performed daily, is a reminder of who we serve and to what system our primary allegiance is toward: God's system. Though we might enjoy being ambassadors stationed in an outpost of a relatively prosperous system like that of "the West", we are still primarily citizens of God's Kingdom. And we are looking forward to it usurping ALL earthly governments.

Remember this, for in the future you may be asked to choose your allegiance...